This blog contains reflections and thoughts on my work as a software engineer

torsdag den 6. oktober 2011

Debugging dynamically loaded Javascript files with IE Developer Toolbar

I’m currently stuck using IE Developer Toolbar because my current project involves Microsoft xRM. Neat platform but it is not crossplatform (yet – they’ve got something coming in the next release) so we’re using Internet Explorer for the time being.

The Javascript setup in our solution includes dynamically loading some custom Javascript files but appearently the IE debugger refuses knowledge of your dynamically loaded JS files . That sucks – really, it does because if you don’t know that you can just search for your dynamically loaded Javascript using the Search bar at the top right corner you’re in a world of s***. Then you’re left behind using good ol’ alert-boxes and console logging… I don’t know about you but I’ve been there, done that and it’s not an option for me.

I looked around and the solution is simply searching for your javascript content once the page (and your dynamically loaded files) have been fetched from the server. Search for something in the file you want to debug - in my case I’m trying to find the namespace “NC.Gruppe”:


Now we’re talking… The file isn’t available in the list of loaded Javascript-files but you’re able to set breakpoints anyway. If you know that what’s you’re supposed to do or know your way around Google.

Thanks to Заметки for starting writing in English

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Hi,A generalist person who is taking on everything – from design to coding to search engine optimization to content writing in Web Design Cochin – can never achieve the in-depth knowledge and follow latest standards, trends and technologies in all those ever-expanding areas of web design and development. Thanks.......